Summer Activities for Students

Here you will find different activities for your child to do over the summer.  There are Google Doc links that will take you to a copyable Doc, and there are also PDFs .  Once finished, a student can email at Email Andy Larson with links to the Google Docs or with the PDFs attached.

Case Study: The Dakota War Conundrum  is a social studies based activity based around the Dakota War of 1862.
Case Study: The Dakota War Conundrum PDF

4 Fingered Aliens! is a math activity that deals with counting in Base 4.
4 Fingered Aliens! PDF

Create-A-Quidditch-League is for Harry Potter fans who love sorting through data.  Make the best teams with the available players.
Create-A-Quidditch-League PDF

Students who send in completed work throughout the summer will receive a special certificate of completion for their hard work.

Good luck!!