Digital Resources
BrainPOP Jr. provides curriculum-based content geared for K-3 students. The site offers a growing library of movies and interactive features in science, health, writing, reading, social studies, and math. (McAuliffe)
BrainPOP has over 1,000 short animated movies, with quizzes and related materials, covering the subject areas of science, social studies, English, mathematics, engineering and technology, health, arts and music. (Pinecrest)
Destiny brings our school library to our devices and enables them to visit and search our library anytime, from anywhere. Students can find learning resources they need anytime.

Dreambox is our resource for math provided to empower and engage our students.
iOS App Downloads
Hour of Code is the largest educational event in history.
It is designed to get everyone learning the basics of coding and computer science in fun and engaging ways. Start learning today!
RazKids is an interactive reading tool to practice fluency & comprehension. Students have a log in & teachers are able to monitor students' progress and change their reading level.